
A story worth telling

Finding cannonballs, a badge and a king in a car park have all drawn attention to something surprising: that one of the country’s most well-worn yarns is anything but dead history. The details of the battle and moreover the justice of the historical account, are still live topics.

After 500 years the story of Richard III and Henry VII is still being fought over - almost as though the Wars of the Roses continue on, pens replacing swords. But this is lively debate, not bloodshed, and something to be encouraged. 

An activity worth promoting

In the 21st century we have no problem getting hold of information. Everything there is to know about the Battle of Bosworth can be found on a smartphone. Except for one thing: the physical experience of moving through the landscape in which it took place.

Embedded artworks offering a physical interpretation of local history, a project designed to draw people away from their screens and out into the natural environment - this seems a form of therapy for our times.

A landscape to listen to

The idea of telling the story of a landscape through an art trail points to an underlying thought: that this is art to help the landscape speak for itself. It is the landscape that shaped and witnessed the events of 1485, and it is in the landscape their traces lie buried. Our ultimate goal is to get the landscape to tell its own story.

Project timeline

Stage One

August 2016

The project steering group was founded. Artists were invited to consider the themes that emerged from the impact of the re-interment on local communities. A £15,000 Arts Council England grant was awarded to the project.

February 2017

Three artists were shortlisted and commissioned to prepare proposals which were exhibited in the respective communities and in the Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre during July and August 2017.

August 2017

On 31st August 2017 Broadbent Studios were selected as the artists of choice after creating designs that responded imaginatively to local people and places.

Stage Two

January 2018 – Summer 2019

The steering group worked with Broadbent Studios and local communities to refine and finalise the plans and designs. This stage was funded by a £28,000 grant from Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council.

Stage Three

September 2020

A dedicated project officer was appointed to drive the project forward. A grant of £500,000 was secured from the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership.

May 2021

Four of the sculptures were commissioned with the artists Broadbent Studios. This final detailed design stage will see these sculptures bought to life in scale models. The materials, from which the sculptures are to be created, will also be chosen. Those scale models, called Maquettes, will then be used by the creators of each piece to interpret Stephen’s vision.

Stage Four

February 2022

The Steering group were delighted to showcase the detailed designs at the five sculpture locations. Maquettes (artist’s models) and simple scale structures were used to choose preferred locations at four of the sites whilst the fifth had already been decided. These pieces significantly aided the selection of desired locations and allowed things such as sight lines to be accurately evaluated.

The maquettes will now be available to see at the Market Bosworth Library on the 15th March between 12 and 7pm. Please do come and chat about the trail and see the detailed design for each piece.

April 2023

The steering group of the Bosworth1485 Trail project are thrilled to announce that planning permission has been granted for three of the four sculptures which require it. ‘The Calm Before the Storm’ at St James Church in Sutton Cheney, ‘The Storm Breaks’ in a field close to Dadlington and ‘Piecing Together the Past’ at The Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre are now all in receipt of planning permission from Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council.

December 2023

Artist Stephen Broadbent and his team at Broadbent Studios have been busy working on different elements for each of the sculptures. We are really pleased to be able to share with you some images of the works in progress below.

Stones being selected, at the quarry, for ‘The Storm Breaks’ sculpture.

Puzzle piece cutting works on the coin for the sculpture ‘Piecing Together the Past’.

Stephen Broadbent and Richard Knox on site at ‘The Storm Breaks’ during the archaeological works.

May 2024

The first sculpture was installed at the Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre. Titled ‘Piecing Together the Past’ the piece represents the clues from the past, and archaeology from the Battlefield, that tell us the story as we know it today. The sculpture portrays both Richard III and Henry  VII on a two sided coin. The coin is held in a large, solid oak frame and takes centre stage in the courtyard at the Battlefield centre where it can now be seen. It’s a really exciting first step towards the completion of the Bosworth1485 Trail.